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Open lesson for a master`s student on the topic «Respiratory system. Respiratory hygiene»


On November 10, 2023, 2nd year master`s student of the specialty «7M05101 Biology», Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Usenova Dilnaz taught the topic «Respiratory system. Respiratory hygiene" as part of teaching practice. The event was attended by 2nd year students of the specialty "6B01513-Biology" and teachers of the department. Usenova Dilnaz made a report on the topic "Respiratory system. Respiratory Hygiene" and familiarized students with the main regulatory and legal documents of education. Didactic games were played during the lesson. In particular, the group game "Visit the Gallery".


Students were offered group work in the game «Visit the Gallery». Students demonstrated knowledge gained in lecture and their research by joining a group in this game and rating each other using a rating tree. In addition, a new direction in modern education and science was carried out using STEM technologies. Participants of the event had to implement their academic and theoretical discoveries in a real-life context. And students will develop during group work.


A question and answer quiz "Think and Find" and a neuropsychological game were conducted. At the same time, they concluded the lesson by telling each other what they had learned by exchanging apples. The methods used in an open lesson increase the student`s activity, passion for the subject, critical thinking and curiosity, and help to reveal hidden abilities and self-confidence. The student remembers basic concepts, improves the quality of learning, participates in dialogue with classmates, supports each other, gets used to working in a group, looks at others critically, and is able to make effective decisions.


At the end of the lesson, students left feedback on the Tablet board, received answers to their questions and made suggestions for conducting such open lessons more often.





