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International NEO Conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Professor A.N. Kosherbayeva

On November 10, 2023, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU, with the partner participation of the TUKSOY Department of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, held an international NEO conference "Management and assessment in teacher Education: trends, experience and technologies», dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Aigerim Nuralievna Kosherbayeva. The purpose of the event: discussion in a dialogue format of current problems of pedagogical measurements, management and assessment issues in the era of globalization and transformation of the modern educational environment. Main directions of the NEO conference: psychology and pedagogy in the context of globalization and informatization of society; current issues of management and assessment in modern teacher education; design of measurement and assessment of the developmental potential of the educational environment of Kazakhstani schools and universities with effective measuring instruments using international scales; development of psychological services in the modern socio-cultural environment of schools and issues of personnel training.

Main events of the conference: opening of the laboratory of "Pedagogical measurements" (building No. 1, room 510); golden lecture "Scales for assessing the quality of the educational environment and their role in the development of education", Shiyan I.B., Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Professor (Moscow); thematic platforms with the participation of doctoral, master`s students of IPP; Plenary session and international round table, speakers: Balykbayev T.O. (Director of the Central Asian Glaciological Center of UNESCO); Emelbayev R.T. (Director of the National Testing Center); Sultabaev F.E. (Deputy Director of the NCT); Shiyan I.B., Professor, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow); Lanin B., professor at the University. Adam Mickiewicz (Poznan, Poland), honorary professor of New York (USA), and Osaka (Japan), etc.; awarding A.N. Kosherbayeva with the medal of Akhmet Baitursynov.















