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Doctoral students reported on research and pedagogical practice


Doctoral students of the 2nd year of specialty «8D01404-Physical culture and sports» of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sport in the period from September 4 to October 7, 2023 passed research, and from October 9 and November 11, 2023 - pedagogical practice. At the end of the internship, doctoral students submitted their reports on the ZOOM platform.

The conference was held by the head of the practice, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports E.K.Seisenbekov. He noted the reports of each doctoral student and gave his assessment. The head of the department Ryskul Sayabekovna Kokebayeva also took part in this event.

Full information about the online conference can be obtained at the following link:


Conference ID: 783 2838 6841

Access Code: 8FNQ2S



