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Graduation of Postdocs at Abai University: 2nd Commencement


In order to expand the potential of the human resources reserve in the field of science, the university forms a pool of postdoctoral fellows every year. This program was introduced to the university in 2019, and today the pool of postdoctoral scholars is 21. Postdoctoral fellows open new horizons of knowledge, conduct research, and contribute to the development of science in all its fields. This year, 7 young researchers are graduating from the postdoctoral program.


On November 24, 7 postdocs - Laishanov Shahislam, Sapargaliyeva Bayan, Seilkhan Ainur, Serikova Samal, Baikulova Aigerim, Moldagali Bakitgul, and Akimbekova Shyryn - received their certificates for the completion of the full course of the postdoctoral program.


Within this program, our postdocs have achieved great success: one postdoc was awarded the title of "Best Teacher of HEI" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, two received the State Scholarship for Talented Young Scientists and one of them is a scholarship recipient of the Bolashak programme. In total during three years postdoctoral fellows published 55 articles in peer-reviewed journals in the Scopus and WoS databases, including 29 in journals with a high percentile on CiteScore (percentile of at least 50 and at least Q1, Q2) and 81 in journals recommended by the CQAFSHE MSHE RK. Among the graduates of the postdoctoral program are leaders of scientific projects, funded by the MSHE RK, and international projects. These results have a positive impact on increasing the research potential of our university as well as improving its performance in global rankings.


Looking at the results of our graduates, we can confidently state that the Postdoctoral Program of Abai University is a unique platform for young researchers to increase their research potential, measure data, enhance their professional skills, and achieve outstanding results in their scientific fields. The program is an important stage in the researchers` careers, preparing them for a successful and productive scientific career and contributing to the development of scientific research not only in the country but also in the international level.


We wish our graduates continued success, scientific achievements and creative growth!













