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Awarding in honor of World Volunteer Day

On December 6, 2023, in honor of the World Volunteer Day, with the assistance of the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, under the leadership of Associate Professor, head of the Meirim volunteer club Shirinbayeva Gulbakhira, the ceremony of awarding a special Letter of Gratitude from the Rector of Abai KazNPU Bolat Tlep to 3rd year volunteer students of specialty "6В01801-Social Pedagogy and Self-Discovery" of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, who have been active in serving the society, was held.


The presentation of letters of thanks was carried out with an appeal to students to take an active part in the implementation of the tasks facing the university on the path of sustainable development of the country.


It is worth noting that in the 2022-2023 academic year, volunteer students actively participated in social projects and organized large-scale charity events to raise funds for the purchase of sports mats and simulators necessary for people with disabilities. The funds raised during the campaign were used to purchase Tatami sports mats (40 pieces), a simulator (walking simulator "Shagun") and were solemnly presented to the social rehabilitation center for the disabled "YERZI".


At the end of the event, the volunteers expressed that volunteer activities contribute to self-knowledge and professional growth on a spiritual path that unites them in the implementation of the practice of universal values.


The volunteer club "Meirim" expresses its great gratitude for being with us in the volunteer ranks! We wish you good health and mental strength. Let your selfless activity serve as an example for modern society".














Volunteer club "Meirim"