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A new breath of pedagogical class


On December 7, 2023, Abai KazNPU hosted a meeting of renowned scientists-educators of the country with Vice-Rector for Strategy, Digitalisation and Internationalisation Aktolkyn Kulsarieva and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Maktagali Bektemesov. The event on the theme "Gylymmen ornektelgen gumir" was attended by pupils of pedagogical classes of Almaty schools. Cognitive evening was organised by the Department of Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. Project leader - teacher Bauyrzhan Seytkarimov.


The event, organised for the second time, was attended by students, teachers of the regional boarding school named after Sh. Smagulov in Almaty, the Abai School for Gifted Children, schools No. 2, 67, 104, 109, 167, 93 and 141 - listeners of the elective lesson "Introduction to Pedagogical Speciality" and students.


Vice-rector for research and innovation Abai University E.A.Buribayev, director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology G.A.Abayeva, chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University B.A.Almukhambetov, chairman of the trade union organisation M.B.Ibraymov, head of the Department of Pedagogy Sh.J.Kolumbayeva told about the contribution of pedagogical scientists to science and development of the country`s economy. Professor B.Abdigaziuly, deputy director on educational work of IPP, Professor A.T.Akzholova, head of the department of primary education Zhumabaeva A.E., head of the department of preschool education Kyyakbaeva U.K., head of the department of special pedagogy Autaeva A.N. expressed their opinions on the topic and wishes to the participants of the meeting.


During the event, new information about the mentoring work of M. Bektemesov and A. Kulsarieva was received, the participants shared their opinions about professionalism and competences of the future teacher of a new formation within the framework of digitalisation of education.


The meeting was attended by the leaders of the pedagogical class project, qualified specialists of the Department Saidakhmetov B.S. and Kozybayev M.K.













