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Provision of inclusive educational environment by pedagogical personnel

On December 21, 2023 in Abai KazNPU the republican round table with international participation, devoted to topical issues, trends in providing teaching staff for inclusive educational environment, was held. The event was attended by Gulzhan Jarasova, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, coordinators of the project "Development and training of the model of inclusive education", implemented by the consortium Savvy Business sLTD and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), expert of the Association of mutual learning ELA (Bulgaria) co-founders of the public foundation Centre for Social Inclusive Programmes Saltanat Murgagalinova-Yakovleva and Lashyn Turegeldieva, director of the National Scientific and Practical Centre for the Development of Special and Inclusive Education Aigul Baitursynova university teachers, doctoral students. Abai KazNPU was represented by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs B.M.Narbekova, Director of the Academic Department H.N.Zhanbekov, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology G.A.Abayeva, Head of the Department of Special Pedagogy A.N.Autayeva. The team of the programme-targeted funding project of the Committee of Science of MSHE RK on the theme BR 18574162 "Inclusion-oriented training of special educators" represented by Professor Movkebaeva Zulfiya and Associate Professor Galiya Abaeva presented the interim results of the research on the status and trends in the availability of teaching staff to support persons with disabilities in the general education environment. The round table discussed the issues of additional training for teachers, active involvement of non-governmental organisations and public foundations in the work on the development of inclusive education.



