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PhD diplomas awarded


On February 9, 2024 PhD doctoral students who successfully defended their work in the dissertation councils of our university were awarded in Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University by diplomas of PhD. The university senior management, the chairman of dissertation councils, scientific consultants of PhD students and employees participated in the award ceremony.


Bolat Tilep Chairman of the Board - Rector of Abai University wished success to the young scientists and expressed hope that they will make a great contribution to the development of science in Kazakhstan In his congratulatory speech.


Today 16 dissertation councils for the defence of doctoral dissertations have been opened and are successfully functioning at Abai University. Permanent members are leading scientists of our university, other universities and scientific organisations (research institutes), as well as foreign scientists with high scientometric indicators act as temporary members in each council.


In 2023, 57 doctoral students (14 of whom are representatives of other universities) defended their dissertations and received the degree of PhD.


Congratulations to our young scientists and wish them new scientific discoveries and achievements!







