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Postdoctoral student of Abai university held a seminar at Termez State Pedagogical Institute

On 23 February 2024 Abai University KazNPU postdoctoral researcher Aziza Junusbekova held a seminar in Termez State Pedagogical Institute (Termez, Uzbekistan) on "Scientific and methodological foundations of Hyflex technology hybrid teaching" under the scientific project AP14871883 "Ensuring the professional success of future teachers through Hyflex (Hyflex) technology", funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Such questions as relevance, principles of hybrid learning and HyFlex technology, as well as about the textbook "Hyflex technology" were considered. The seminar was attended by faculty members, young scientists, 3rd year students from the departments of "Theory of Elementary Education" and "Methodology of Elementary Education". In the feedback they expressed their gratitude to the speaker for the useful seminar and for the new knowledge and skills acquired.





