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Recommendation of educational publications for the assignment of the stamp of the UMO RMC

On March 14, 2024, an extraordinary meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association in the field of education "Pedagogical Sciences" was held on the basis of KazNPU named after Abai. At the meeting, the issue of recommending educational publications to be assigned the UMO UMS stamp in five supervised areas of training was discussed.


The event was attended by vice-rectors of higher educational institutions - members of the UMO-GUP, scientists and teachers.


The meeting was moderated by the Scientific Secretary of the UMO RUMS Ulmeken Nurgalieva, the results of expert opinions of educational publications were presented by the heads of project teams: in the field of Pedagogy and Psychology Aigerim Kosherbayeva, in humanitarian subjects Sholpan Nurman, in the training of teachers (teachers) in natural science subjects Albina Beikitova and Nazim Tekesbaeva.


Issues related to the procedure for submitting materials to the UMO UMS were discussed.



