The awarding ceremony of teaching staff and students by the results of the External assessment
of educational achievements
On 23 November,2017 at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology was held the awarding ceremony of teaching staff and students, who showed excellent results by the EAEA results.
The event organized with the purpose of awarding the teaching staff and students for the high results of the EAEA and instilling respect for their profession.
The first Vice-Rector, Maktagali Bektemesov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Assan Satmurzayev, Head of the Testing Center Darazha Isabayev took part in the awarding ceremony. In their congratulatory speeches they expressed views about the important role of the EAEA and the digital university, also expressed their warm wishes to students and teachers for the high results in the EAEA.
Our Institute took the 1st place by the results of a complex testing of the external assessment of educational achievements among the pedagogical specialties of the University. Among the 6 departments,students of the 4th year of the specialty "5B010200-Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" scored 121 marks and took the 1st place, head of the department Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. Aziya Zhumabayeva.
Results of the EAEA: 5В012300- Social pedagogy and self-knowledge - 109 marks, 5В010100 - Preschool education and upbringing -109 marks (Department of preschool education and social pedagogy), 5В050300-Psychology -106 marks (Department of General and Applied Psychology), 5B010500-Defectology - 101 points (Department of Special Education), 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology- 97 marks (Department of Pedagogy and Psychology). The honor of our Institute students defended with dignity.
During the event, the teaching staff and students were awarded with certificates of honor.