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Dear graduate!

Hurry to Abai KazNPU!


We invite you to the first and one of the best universities in our country and to the educational program Social sciences «Psychology», which implements a three-stage system of training» bachelor-master-doctoral PhD»: psychologists-bachelors in the specialty» 6B03105-Psychology: training of practical psychologists», masters of social sciences in the specialty» 7M031-Psychology», PhD doctors in the specialty»8D031-Psychology».

Training takes place in full-time and distance form (UNT, interview).

The teaching staff of the educational program includes: 5-doctors of psychological sciences, 8-candidates of psychological sciences, senior teachers and masters of psychology. The training is carried out on a multilingual basis, i.e. in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. This will significantly increase your competitiveness!

Students and undergraduates are provided with the opportunity to practice on the objects of professional activity:
- educational organizations of all types and types;
- sports and creative organizations;
- healthcare organizations;
- social services, employment centers;
- centers for the study of public opinion and political technologies;
- manufacturing enterprises and business organizations;
- law enforcement agencies, the army, and penitentiary institutions.


Training in the specialty includes the formation of skills:
- conducting psychodiagnostic examinations;
- modeling and development of correctional and developmental programs and personal growth programs;
- conducting psychological training, psychological counseling and psychoprophylactic activities;
- conducting research in psychology


Students in the doctoral program are provided with a foreign scientific consultant, which expands the possibilities of carrying out scientific research at the level of world standards, as well as using the latest developments in the field of psychological sciences in their research.


A psychologist is a profession of the Present and the Future!


Time: 25 Feb. 2021 15:00 PM Almaty


Link to the Zoom Conference:


The conference ID: 914 4959 8599


Access code: 881394