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Opening of a branch of the Eastern Philology and Translation Department

On April 30, 2024, a branch of the Department of Eastern Philology and Translation was opened in the Gymnasium "Aisaf-Almaty". The activity of the branch is aimed at establishing scientific and methodical, practical links and development of cooperation in the field of education.


The solemn opening of the branch was attended by the executive director of Gymnasium "Aisaf-Almaty" A.S.Akhmetova and director M.B.Abdrakhimova, teachers and students of the school, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs in the specialties of foreign languages A.M.Saurikova, head of the department of Eastern philology and translation N.N.Konkabaeva candidate of philological sciences, professor of the university K.Kh.Abdrakhmanova and senior teacher Zh.M.Yelemesova.


In honor of the opening of the branch, a concert program was organized by the school.


The main purpose of the branch is to organize the base for the annual pedagogical practice. We hope that cooperation between the school and the University will continue and be strengthened.

