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KazNPU and UN Discuss Future Collaboration

On May 16, 2024, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Abai University) welcomed Vlastimil Samek from the UN Department of Global Communications. They discussed enhancing sustainable education in Central Asia.

Rector Bolat Tilep highlighted Abai University`s role in hosting the Asian Forum on climate change and education. He also shared plans to position Abai University as a regional hub for sustainable education.

Vlastimil Samek praised Abai University`s "Green Office" initiative and its involvement in UN projects like SDG-4 (Quality Education) and SDG-13 (Climate Action).

Rector, alongside Vice-Rector Aigul Iskakova, proposed deeper UN collaboration, including:
- Signing a Memorandum with the UN Regional Center for Sustainable Development.
- Hosting guest lectures on UN activities in Kazakhstan.
- Engaging in child rights and inclusive education projects.
- Participating in youth and family policy initiatives until 2029 and 2030, respectively.

Abai University also showcased "Green Cotton," a sustainable agriculture project with Nobel laureate Rae Kwon Chung, aiming to produce eco-friendly products using renewable energy.

This meeting marked a significant step towards strengthening Abai University-UN cooperation, highlighting the university`s commitment to sustainability and global initiatives. Both parties look forward to ongoing collaboration for mutual and regional benefits.


