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Abai University postdoctoral researcher was on a scientific trip to the city of Shymkent

From May 12 to May 23, 2024, within the framework of the scientific project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AR19576707 " Formation of inclusive competence of future teachers by using technologies of the Universal Learning Design (UDL)" a scientific trip was organized for a postdoctoral fellow from Abai University to the University named after. Zh. Tashenova and the South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after O. Zhanibekov, Department of Primary Education Methodology in Shymkent, during the trip the young scientist shared the results of the project and conducted an experimental study to study the attitude of future teachers to inclusive education.


During the scientific trip, the project leader is PhD, acting. Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Student A.N. Umirbekova conducted a seminar-training on the results of the project with university teaching staff and a testing experiment was conducted among students using the planned methodological tools.


The event in two directions on the topics: "Features of preparing future teachers for an inclusive educational environment" and "Possibilities for developing inclusive competence of future primary education teachers" was held in the format of a seminar-training.


During the visit, the leadership of the universities presented letters of gratitude; this trip became a good opportunity to work together with the staff of the Zh. Tashenov University and the South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after O. Zhanibekov.


