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International seminar «Academic writing and its specificities» will be held

In order to ensure the correct writing of scientific papers and familiarization with the structure of the academic text, on the eve of the transition to the Latin alphabet, on March 29, 2021, at 16.00, the association «Tiltumar» at the scientific and practical center «Latyn» will hold an online seminar of an international level on the topic «Academic subscription and its specifics».

During the online seminar, presentations will be made by PhD doctoral student of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland Gulshat Tusip, PhD doctoral student of the Henley School of Business of the University of Reading in England Natalia Radko, PhD doctoral student of the University of Warwick in England Mukhtarova Anar, PhD Doctor Bekarys Nuriman and graduate of Abai KazNPU Edilbay Ospan.


There will also be a presentation of the textbook of Candidate of Philology Edilbay Ospan «Fundamentals of academic writing».


Conference ID: 782 570 9441


Conference access code: 70QQvQ


Link to the conference: (click on the link)