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Abai University student took 1st place in the republican competition

Student of the 3rd year of Bachelor`s degree of Abai University on speciality "6B01705 - Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of education", Serikova Dinara, took the 1st place in the Republican annual competition of scientific research works of students (SRWS), held on the basis of non-profit joint-stock company "Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University".


At the end of the academic year 2023-2024 the Department of Russian Language and Literature held a scientific conference among their students. Dinara Serikova, a bachelor student under the guidance of her scientific adviser, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Zh.B. Ibrayeva, won the first place, which gave her the opportunity to submit her research work to the national competition of scientific research work of students conducted by Atyrau University.


Following the requirements of the competition documentation, the research on the theme "Genius and madness of the main character - William Legrand - in Edgar Alan Poe`s story "Golden Bug"" was prepared and sent to Atyrau University in electronic and printed versions. Verification of works was carried out anonymously by experts of the subject commission in the direction of "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of education" According to the results of the competition the research by Serikova Dinara scored the highest number of points for uniqueness among all competitive works.


Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Yertay Sultan congratulated the student and her scientific adviser Zh. B. Ibrayeva on their victory by presenting a diploma and a merchandise of the university.





