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Informational and explanatory meeting with PhD doctoral students

On September 17, 2024, an information and explanatory meeting was held at the Faculty of History and Law for 1st year doctoral students and scientific consultants with the head of the Department of Research and Training of scientific personnel of the University, G.A. Baimbetova, the leadership of the faculty and heads of departments.


This academic year, 34 doctoral students enrolled in the doctoral program of the Faculty of History and Law. Currently, more than 70 doctoral students are studying at our faculty.


The meeting was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of History and Law, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kenzhebaev G.K. He noted the importance of postgraduate training for the development of Russian science, as well as for the whole country.


During the meeting, the doctoral students were given explanations on the selection and definition of research topics, approval/re-approval of domestic and foreign scientific consultants, publication of articles in scientific publications and international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the approved list of scientific publications, scientific internships, etc.


Doctoral students should always be in close relationship with their scientific supervisors in research, scientific and pedagogical activities, for the qualitative conduct of their research work. Doctoral students are required to perform all types of work provided for in an individual work plan in a timely and high-quality manner, at the end of each stage of work provided for in individual plans, to submit all necessary written materials in a timely manner.


At the end of the meeting, the doctoral students asked their questions to all the speakers who spoke.



