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The opening ceremony of the monument in honour of Sanzhar Asfendiyarov was attended by representatives of Abay University

On October 18, 2024 in the village of Zhanalyk, Almaty region, the opening ceremony of the memorial in honour of the outstanding Kazakh scientist and doctor Sanzhar Asfendiyarov took place.


The event was attended by leading representatives of national medicine and science, headed by the Rector of KazNMU Marat Shoranov, as well as Vice-Rector for Social Development of Abai KazNPU Maksat Zhakau, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs Khairulla Zhanbekov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology for Scientific Work Almas Naimanbayev, Director of the Department of Social and Youth Policy Rakhymberdi Zhetibay, and Head of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Teaching Methods named after Academician S. Kirabaev Yedilbay Ospanov. Yedilbay Ospanov, Head of the Chair of Kazakh Literature and Teaching Methods named after Academician S. Kirabayev.


During the ceremony, Rector of KazNMU Marat Shoranov remarked that the name of S. Asfendiyarov is inscribed in the history of Kazakhstan in golden letters as a great scientist who made an invaluable contribution to the development of science, medicine and education, and that it is a great responsibility and pride for KazNMU to preserve the memory of this great personality.


Vice-rector for social development of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Maksat Zhakau mentioned that Sanzhar Asfendiyarov was one of the founders of Kazakh Pedagogical Institute (now Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai) in 1928.


Maksat Zhakau also marked: `The name of Sanzhar Asfendiyarov, the first Rector of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, who opened the educational institution and made a huge contribution to its formation, should be inscribed in the history of the university with golden letters. The university, which has a 95-year history and was the first higher education institution in the country, received from S. Asfendiyarov invaluable support in the formation of educational and material base, provision of textbooks and teachers. He also held the position of the first rector of our university from 1928 to 1931 and left a significant trace in the development of the university as an outstanding scientist`. In conclusion, he added that events dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Sanzhar Asfendiyarov are celebrated at the University throughout the year.


As part of the event, a photo of Sanzhar Zhapparuly Asfendiyarov and a quote by the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev were presented at the memorial plaque located at the territory of the Museum of Victims of Political Repressions. In addition, a QR code was placed on the plaque, which allows to access archive documents and books about Sanzhar Zhapparuly.












The Center of national education «Hakim Abai»