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Literary lounge "The Thorny path in the life and works of Saken Seifullin"

On October 18, 2024, the Russian Language and Literature Department of the Faculty of Philology of Abai KazNPU and specialized lyceum №165 of Almaty in the framework of the scientific project "History in Faces and Fates: Outstanding Philologists of Abai University" held a literary lounge on the theme "The Thorny Path of Saken Seifullin", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of the poet, writer Saken Seifullin. This literary evening was organized to respect the outstanding writer personality of the Kazakh people and to popularize the life path and creativity of the public figure among the modern generation.

During the evening, the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Maria Simakova, made a welcoming speech. The grandson of the writer Seifullin Saken Orynbekovich was invited to the evening as a guest. He thanked the organizers for the touching meeting and talked about his grandfather, about his love for the Motherland and people.

Also, eleventh graders of Lyceum №165 presented a literary composition about Saken Seifullin`s life and work prepared by them. Gulfariza Abrakhmanova, an employee of the Saken Seifullin Museum, showed the museum`s expositions, and personal belongings of the poet, and talked about how carefully the creative heritage is kept and studied.

Concluding the literary lounge, Saule Dzhunusovna Abisheva, Head of the Russian Language and Literature Department of Abai KazNPU, read Saken Seifullin`s poem "Native Land". In 1929, S. Seifullin worked at KazPI and lectured students on Kazakh literature.

Saken Seifullin is a great personality. Despite the hard days in his tragic fate, he sincerely served his land, country, people, and Motherland.



