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As part of the student week "Energy Youth", the city game «Jaidarman» mousymashar took place

On October 22, 2024, the Youth Affairs Department of the Department of Social and Youth Policy of KazNPU named afterWithin the framework of the student week "Energy Youth", the traditional city game "Zhaydarman" took place.


The main feature of the Jaidarman game was that the participants demonstrated social, political and everyday situations in a humorous format. Various topical topics were touched upon, student life and interesting moments in social networks were highlighted.


The teams that received permits to the next stage: "25 tenge", "Tastak", "Abayla", "Respect", "Korshinin kyzy", "Agromix", "Diligent", "Koshedegiler".


Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts to all the past teams!



Youth Affairs Department