Running a Workshop "Student`s Academic Mobility"
January 18, 2018 within the Winter School "Professionalism and Pedagogical Excellence" was held workshop "Student`s Academic Mobility".
The purpose of the workshop was to share experience related to the implementation of the academic mobility program at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
An opening speech was given to Prof. Aktolkyn Kulsariyeva, Vice Rector for Research and International Cooperation. During the speech Prof. Kulsariyeva highlighted the importance of providing such workshops. Workshop was moderated by Dr.Aigul Iskakova, Head of the International Relations Department.
Workshop was attended by 45 heads of university divisions and 7 deputy directors for research and international cooperation, as well as 12 lecturers of the university.
Workshop agenda was created in order to present achieved outcomes in academic mobility of Abai KazNPU, as well as its opportunities to the further development. Overseas` partners were involved in the workshop with whom Abai KazNPU undertakes students` exchanges programmes.
Gulnar Jangirova, Head of the Academic Mobility Division presented her experience and practice on "Development of Academic Mobility at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University".
Bartholomaeus Minkowski, Director of Information Centre DAAD in Kazakhstan, and Philip Semenov, the project manager of the Information Center DAAD participated in the workshop. They delivered information lecture "Your career: Made in Germany".
There was arranged a webinar with Alexey Yudin, Head of International Cooperation Department of the Moscow Region State University. Dr.Yudin discussed the following topics: "Moscow Region State University`s experience in the development of academic mobility", "Foreign student`s recruitment: experience of MRSU ".
Marzhan Tajiyeva, Head of International Programmes and Relations Office presented Erasmus + projects: "Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education".
As a final part of workshop participants were involved in teamwork. Eventually, participants provided feedback on effective developing of mobility programme. Following the workshop, all participants were awarded a Certificate.