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An extended meeting of the department on the discussion of the doctoral dissertation of Baisultanova S.C. will be held.

Pedagogy and psychology department of Abai KazNPU Institute of Pedagogy and psychology informs that March 01, 2022, at 11.00, there will be a preliminary discussion of dissertation work on the topic: «Development in professional-personal qualities of undergraduates in the conditions of multilingual education» of Baisultanova Saya at the expanded meeting to get the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the specialty «6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology».

Domestic scientific consultant: Abdigapbarova Ulzharkyn Muslimovna- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Abai KazNPU

Foreign scientific consultant: Anatoli Rakhkochkin - Doctor, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany


Stambekova Asel Serkebaevna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor of the Educational Program "Primary Education"

Sangilbaev Ospan Seydullaevich - Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology"


A preliminary discussion of the dissertation work will take place in online-offline form.




Conference ID: 919 3892 0680


Access code: 764305


Address: 13, Almaty, Dostyk av., Room 320, 050010