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The presentation of the books of scientistsof Abai KazNPU




On 2 October at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University was held a presentation of books on the history of the university and historical figures who have made a significant contribution to its formation and development.

The descendants of the intelligentsia «Alash», prominent scientists, media representatives, heads of departments, teaching staff and students of Abai KazNPU, attended the presentation of books.

The rector Takir Balykbaev opened the meeting. Noting the importance of the event and the importance of the books published, he said: «It is known that over the past 90 years, the first national pedagogical university in Kazakhstan has undergone many complex conflicts in each of its development periods. Our university passed with honor through various peripetias of the politics of the Soviet era of the twentieth century in the socio-cultural sphere.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and our independence, we entered a new era of social construction. Leaving behind all the burdens of history, sovereign Kazakhstan chose its progressive direction of development. And today, looking at our young people, I can state with confidence: this is a very worthy young generation, whose members are going to replace us and not turning, they will not deviate from the path we have chosen and which is the nature of our destiny.

We intend to continue the publication of books about the outstanding people of the country. Thanks to such publications, new, little-known pages of our history are often opened. However, at the same time, I want to emphasize that this is primarily a factor in the formation of a personality, and therefore, one of the most important aspects of pedagogical activity».

One of such books is the research work of the famous scientist, academician Mambet Koygeldy «Abai University. 90 zhildik tarikhinan». This book describes, on the basis of historical facts and documents, about how the first university was formed, describes the problems that it had to face. M. Koigeldy`s work covers the history of the formation of not only Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, but also Kazakhstani higher education as a whole.

In honor of the 90th anniversary of the university, several books from the «Oneguely Omіr» series were published: about the people`s commissar of education Oraz Zhandosov, about the rectors Sanjar Asfendiyarov, Khalel Adilgereev, Malik Gabdullin and Khalel Dosmukhamedov.

Collection of «Kaldyrgan іzіn manguіlіk» - about the famous mathematician, a graduate of the university Abdimazhit Utesh, the book «Portrait of a Mentor» - about academician Tokmukhamed Sadykov, photo album «First University», dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university was presented to the participants of the presentation.

The University`s jubilee also included the following studies: «Sherniyaz Zharylgasuly Shygarmalary», «Altyn Arkau», «Ulttyk Rukh zhane Shygarmashylyk Daralyk» and the book of Myrzakhan Akhmetov «Parasat pen pariz».

Thanking the authors of the presented books, the university rector gave the floor to the guests of the event.


Historian, academician Khangeldy Abzhanov; the son of Oraz Zhandosov - the famous historian Ali Zhandos; granddaughter of Oraz Zhandosov, a graduate of the University of Gulnar Zhandosova; daughter of Malik Gabdulli,n Gabdullina Maidana Malikovna; the son of Khalel Adilgereev, Bakhyt Adilgereev; the sister of the university graduate Abdimazhit Otesh - Zharkyn Otesh; Professor of Al-Farabi KazNU Talas Omarbekov; a famous Kazakhstan poet and playwright, «Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan», State Prize Laureate Nurlan Orazalin, warmly congratulated the alma mater staff of the university on the 90th anniversary, expressed their heartfelt thanks to the rector and authors of the books, who make a huge contribution to the development of the largest national center of higher pedagogical education in the country.
















Department of Public Relations