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Educational and Methodological Activity




The staff of the department train in such subjects as:
Professional oriented foreign language(С1),Psychology of teaching FL, Language for specific purposes (C1), Modern methods of tlaching foreign language.
The chair carries out scientific practical work in the following directions:
1. Theory of a foreign language;
2. Innovative technologies in training of a foreign language
According to the plan of the staff of the department is held educational and methodical seminars, trainings, master classes. At a methodical seminars the staff of the department discuss actual problems of training in foreign languages with use of innovative technology.
The staff of the department works on the scientific and methodical theme "Theory of foreign language and Innovative technologies of training in foreign languages". According to the plan the following issues are included:
- Topical issues when training the professional foreign-language expert.
- History and development of a foreign language education, problems of multilingual education and its scientific methodology.
- Theory and methods of foreign-language education
- Theory and methods of development of multilingual education
- Theory of methods of foreign-language education and its development
- System of traditional methods and new innovative technologies.


On May 31, 2018 at 10.00 o`clock during the session of the Chair of Professional Foreign Language Communication the Master of Arts, teacher of the Chair Kartabaeva Ayana Algagalievna conducted the Methodological Council on the topic "English language lessons: problems and perspectives". On it a number of problems encountered in the lesson of the English language and the way to solve them were discussed. The Methodical Council was conducted in an interactive way. Teachers of the department were included in the discussions, actively participated in it and shared their experience.


Business trip of, associate professor Abdrakhimova G.B. and Master of Arts, Doctoral Candidate Kartabaeva A.A. of Chair of Professional Foreign Language Communication to Graduate School of Education in Nazarbayev University


As part of the winning project of MES RK "The modernization process of the implementation of the object-language integrated learning in multilingual education RK Higher School" the trip to exchange experiences with experts in the field of CLIL to Nazarbayev Universitywas planned, which is in agreement with the representatives of the Graduate School of Education was appointed to May, 18, 2018. From the participants of this project,associate professor Abdrakhimova G.B. and Master of Arts, doctoral candidate Kartabaeva A.A. were delegated. Representatives of the Nazarbayev University were PhD Bridget Goodman, PhD Laura Karabasova. During the exchange of views, many troubling questions in the field of CLIL have been discussed and valuable recommendations were received, as well as useful resources.