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Information day of the Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan

On 2-3 November 2018, the Erasmus+ program information day in Kazakhstan was held at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The event was organized by the National Office of the Erasmus+ program in conjunction with the European Union Office in Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Council of Rectors of the Almaty region, with the support of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture of the European Commission.

The purpose of the event is to familiarize participants with the requirements and innovations of the Fifth Erasmus+ program competition, with national and regional priorities, as well as practical recommendations for the development of project applications and project implementation.

The event was attended by Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Almaty region, Rector of Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev, Attaché on University Cooperation of the French General Consulate in RK Gilles Mametz, national coordinator of the Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan Shaizada Tasbulatova, university teaching staff, representatives of the embassies of EU members, higher education institutions from regions of the republic.

In his speech, Takir Balykbayev, denoting the value and significance of European programs, said: «Erasmus+ programs promote Kazakhstan`s education to the international level by its effectiveness and efficiency. These programs provide an opportunity for our teachers and students to gain important experience in higher education; prepare yourself for the global market conditions by developing new relevant skills and abilities; shaping the necessary skills to increase their professional level and deepen the understanding of other cultures».

On 2 November, for the participants of the «Increase the capacity of higher education» projects (hereinafter ICHE) and potential application developers, employees of international departments of universities and stakeholders, the national coordinator of the Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan, Shaizada Tasbulatova, described in detail the main characteristics of the Erasmus+ program, the results of the Call for Proposals on EIPHR and the International Credit Mobility Program Erasmus+, about its 2 key points, namely: 1) International Credit Mobility and Joint Erasmus Mundus Masters Degree; 2) Increasing the potential of higher education. Innovations of the Fifth call for proposals. National and regional priorities.

On the same day, representatives of the National Office of the Erasmus+ program presented information on Jean Monnet program, Erasmus+ project awareness, and the activities of the national team of experts in higher education reform. In addition, parallel sessions were organized for the participants of current projects of the ICHE and Potential developers of project applications. Participants are given individual and group counseling and advice for project coordinators and team members.

On 3 November, students and undergraduates of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan were given information about the Joint Master`s degree of Erasmus Mundus and international credit mobility.

During the event, Shaizada Tasbulatova elaborated on the new projects of the program, features of participation in competitions, criteria and selection procedures, national and regional priorities, gave practical recommendations on financing projects for those who want to participate in the Erasmus+ program. Participants in the event asked questions for which detailed answers were received.

Erasmus+ is a program funded by the European Union; supports projects and mobility in education, vocational training, youth policy and sport. The program provides an opportunity for students and staff of universities to get an education in universities in Europe, to improve their qualifications; universities - to improve the material base, strengthen ties with other institutions of higher education and enterprises, improve the quality of training graduates. As part of the Erasmus+ program, projects are being implemented to modernize the education system in the partner countries through the development and introduction of new educational programs, teaching methods, and the publication of educational materials.














Department of Public Relations