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The position of young scientists in the transition to the Latin script: question, opinion, proposal


On December 11, 2018 at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University at Institute of philology and polylingual education was held the seminar council on a subject «A position of young scientists in transition to Latin graphics: question, opinion, offer». The seminar council was organized by the young scientists implementing the grant project of the rector of the university of Abai KazNPU «Linguistic bases of respect for norms of a sound of Kazakh upon transition to Latin». The project manager is the deputy director for scientific work Zhanagul Sametova, performers of the project are the senior teacher of department of Kazakh and literature of a name of the academician S. Kirabayev - Almas Naymanbayev and the doctoral candidate of the 2 course of specialty «6D021300 - Linguistics» - Tokhtar Kerimbekov.

The purpose of a seminar was to learn the opinion of young scientists in the course of transition to Latin graphics of Kazakh, to listen to problematic issues and to share the ideas.

Young erudite researchers aged up to 35 years, doctoral candidates, undergraduates and students of the universities of Kazakhstan, Turkey and research institutes participated in a seminar.

In particular, during the seminar the following main reports were read:


Full name of the speaker

Tem of the report

Ermukhamet Maralbek is the Research associate of department of culture of language of Institute of linguistics of A. Baytursynov

The New Kazakh alphabet based on Latin and scientific fundamentals of national spelling.


Nazym Akymzhanova-the Research associate of Institute of development of a state language

The Cognitive nature of the Kazakh alphabet in transition to Latin graphics

Nazerke Zhanabayeva is PhD doctoral candidate of the Kazakh state women`s pedagogical university

Interactive methods of training in the new Kazakh alphabet


Meruert Imankulova is the Senior teacher of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University , PhD

The Practical importance of transition to the Latin alphabet

Zhanar Utepova is the Senior teacher of Almaty university

The Latin alphabet used in 1929-1940: achievements, shortcomings

Araylym Shormakova is  the research associate of department of grammar of Institute of linguistics of A. Baytursynov, PhD doctoral candidate

Reforma of writing, principles of language literacy


Aydarbek Akbulatov is the Senior teacher of the East Kazakhstan state university  named after M. Otemisuly

Several words about the approved Kazakh alphabet based on Latin graphics

Dulat Sultanbek-the student of 1 course of a spesialnost 5B011700 - Kazakh and literature of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University 

Effective ways of studying of Latin graphics


Osman Kabadayy - the Kyrshekhir Akhi Evran University (Kyrshekhir / Turkey)

The point of view of one linguist on the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin


At the end of a seminar speakers were handed certificates, the decision on publication of scientific reports in the form of the scientific collection was made. The scientific collection will include scientific articles of young erudite researchers aged up to 35 years, doctoral candidates, undergraduates and students of the universities and research institutes of Kazakhstan.













Institute of Philology and multilingual education