қазақша · русский · english
 Saylibaeva Janel Yursunovna
Head of the Chair
Candidate of law
Zhambyl str.25


The Department of Jurisprudence of the Institute of History and Law is one of the leading Abai KazNPU. The department implements the following areas of specialty training in accordance with licenses:

«6B04201-Jurisprudence: judicial and prosecutorial activities»
«M04201-Jurisprudence» - profile direction 1 y.,
«7M04202-Jurisprudence» - scientific and pedagogical direction 2 y.,
«6B01401-Fundamentals of law and entrepreneurship»
«7M01401 - Training of teachers on the basics of law and economics» scientific and pedagogical direction 2 y.


Bachelor of Law in the EP «6B04201-Jurisprudence: judicial and prosecutorial activity» can work:
- in law enforcement agencies;
- in the prosecutor`s office;
- in the judicial system;
- a lawyer in state and non-state companies;
- a bailiff, etc.


Bachelor of Law in the EP «6B04202-Jurisprudence» can work:

- in law enforcement agencies;
- in the civil service;
- a consulting lawyer;
- a lawyer in state and non-state companies;
- a bailiff;
- at the bar;
- in the prosecutor`s office;
- in the judicial system.


The Master of Law in the EP «7M04202-Jurisprudence» scientific and pedagogical direction can work in such fields of activity as:
- pedagogical;
- scientific research;
- law enforcement;
- in the civil service.


The Master of Law in the EP «7M04202-Jurisprudence» profile direction can work in such fields of activity as:
- law enforcement;
- in the civil service.


Bachelor`s degree in the field of «6B01401-Fundamentals of law and entrepreneurship» can hold positions:
- teachers of the basics of law and entrepreneurship in secondary schools;
- a teacher in secondary vocational educational institutions;
- specialist of the administrative bodies of education;
- a manager in the education system;
- social pedagogue in special organizations;
- in government and non-governmental organizations;
- methodologist , etc.


The Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the field of «7M01401 - Teacher training in the basics of law and economics» can work in such fields as:
- pedagogical;
- scientific research;
- managerial.

The head of the department is Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Sailibayeva Janel Yursunovna

There are 24 teachers at the department. Of these, 6 doctors of Sciences, 8 candidates of Sciences and 3 Doctors of PhD, 6 masters of Jurisprudence.

The teaching staff of the department conducts training in the state, English and Russian languages, using interactive and digital teaching methods.

The best teachers of the universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan were Professors Buribayev E.A. (2018) and Khamzina Zh.A. (2019). Kalkayeva N.B. (2021)

Among the teaching staff of the department, professors E.A.Buribayev, J.A.Khamzina, B.H.Toleubekova, associate professors N.B.Kalkayeva, B.M.Koshpenbetov, S.J.Kusainov, E.P.Kenzhebekova, T.B.Khvedelidze, associate professors of the department L.I.Zhazylbek, G.B.Meirbekova, senior teachers G.N.Rakhimova have awards and achievements., A.O.Kasymbek, D.J.Belkhozhaeva, D.S.Baisymakova, J.E.Moldakhmetova and Osmanova G.J.


Strategic development plan of the department of jurisprudence for 2020-2025


The qualitative composition of the department «Jurisprudence of legal disciplines» 2020-2021


The qualitative composition of the department «Jurisprudence of legal disciplines» 2019-2020

The quantitative and qualitative composition of the department «Jurisprudence of legal disciplines» 2018-2019
