18.02.2019 Youth met with a star guest, Markhaba Saby
Abai University was an organizator of project called «Zhuldizben sukhbat», for the first time. This project unites university youth on February 14.
The main goals of this project are create more interesting atmosphere in students` life, to show the life experience of people, who reached success in spheres like art, sport and business, also make a close relationship between students and famous guests.
The first guest of the project was the known singer with unique style Markhaba Sabi. Because of the informal condition there was a free connection between the guest and viewer. During the event, different games between students were organized, winners become the host of the tickets to films of last times. Thanks for «Selfie- time» in the hall was interesting atmosphere and students took an opportunity to take a different photos with the star. At the end of the meeting Markhaba presented her song. The project was continued at the Youth Initiatives Supporting Center called «SMART STUDENTS» and a tea party among active students was organized. Markhaba stated that she would create a strong relationship with students of Abai University and support their ideas.
Department for educational, social work and youth policy