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International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ulus of Jochi: history, heritage and lessons"


On May 22, 2024, at 10.00 a.m., an International scientific-practical conference «The Ulus of Jochi: history, heritage and lessons» dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the Ulus of Jochi will be held in the Conference hall of the Main Educational Building of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


Ulus of Jochi, known to the world as the Golden Horde was the longest-lived state among the four divisions of the Genghis Khan Empire in the 13th century. It is a huge empire, a unique civilization, which covers the lands from the Altai Mountains to the Danube River, and unites dozens of people with different languages, religions, lifestyles, and cultures.


The period of existence of the Ulus of Jochi is one of the most important stages in the development of statehood in the Kazakh land. "Ulus of Jochi has a special place in the tradition of statehood of Kazakhstan. The past, present and future of our country are closely intertwined with its historical heritage. Therefore, the understanding of the Golden Horde in the international arena should be directly related to Kazakhstan," said Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the third meeting of the National Congress.


The processes of Kazakh ethnogenesis and palatogenesis in the Kazakh land are closely connected with the Jochi dynasty (Golden Horde). Formation of the main part of the Kazakh ethnos was completed within the Ulus of Jochi, political institutions and the state ideology of the future Kazakh Khanate were defined. After all, Kazakh khans who ruled the Kazakh people for more than 300 years are the direct descendants of Joсhi.


The collapse of the Golden Horde led to the entry into the historical arena of the medieval national state - the Kazakh Khanate. Therefore, it can be proudly stated that the Kazakh people are one of the direct heirs of this state.


The main directions of discussion of scientific problems of the history of the Ulus of Jochi:

The work of the conference includes the following areas:

· Historiography and sources Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde);

· New views on the ethnopolitical, economic and cultural history the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde);

· Historical geography Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde);

· Diplomatic relations of the Jochi dynasty (Golden Horde) with adjacent neighboring states, the role of the Golden Horde khans in international relations in Eurasia;

· The role of the Jochi dynasty (Golden Horde) in the history of Kazakh statehood;

· Continuity of the Jochi dynasty (Golden Horde) with the Kazakh Khanate;

· Relevance of the greatness of Jochi in the modern history of Kazakhstan;

· Reflection of the history of the Jochi Ulus in the educational process.


Working languages ​​of the conference: Kazakh, Turkish, Russian, English.

The form of participation in the conference: direct, online (Zoom).


The International scientific-practical Conference will be attended by well-known scientists from abroad (Canada, Japan, Turkey, Russia, Germany) and Kazakhstan, teachers of Almaty and other republican universities, who will share their views and opinions on this issue.


Among the foreign speakers are such famous scientists as J.Y. Lee (Canada), Hiroyuki Nagamine (Japan), Nurlan Kenzheakhmet (Germany), Abdullah Gundogdu (Turkey).


Reports from domestic and foreign researchers will also be presented through the Zoom platform.

Contact details of members of the organizing committee: Mutaliyev Meiirbol Kadyruly - tel. +77018900342, e-mail: