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Webinars within the framework of the scientific program

«BR18574162 Inclusively oriented training of special teachers»


In order to improve the quality and spread the effective experience of inclusively oriented training of special teachers in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a group of researchers from 8 Kazakh universities on the basis of KazNPU named after Abai is planning to conduct a series of webinars. In accordance with the Work Plan for the implementation of the scientific program «BR18574162 Inclusively oriented training of special teachers» on May 29, online via ZOOM at 13.00 p.m. it is planned to hold the first webinar on two topics: «International experience in training special teachers» (Speaker - Dean of the faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abai, Ph.D. Abaeva G.A.) and «Inclusive-oriented training of special teachers within the framework of the educational program» (Directorof the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kazakh National Women`s Teacher Training University, Ph.D. Orazaeva G.S). on May 29, online via ZOOM at 13.50 p.m.


University teaching staff, heads and employees of preschool and school education organizations, special educators, psychologists and all interested persons are invited to participate in the webinars.


29.05.2024 online zoom: 388 434 77 81 13:00

13:50 code: 1206