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Vacancy: Head of the Academic Mobility Department


Name of vacant position:

Head of the Academic Mobility Division of the International Cooperation Department

Primary Functional Responsibilities:

-Supervises the activities of the department, ensures the organization of the department`s work, performance of tasks and functions defined in the Regulation on ICD, as well as decisions of the Academic Council, the Management Board, orders, instructions of the Rector and the coordinating Vice-Rector;

-promotion of the Concept of academic mobility and ensuring the implementation of academic mobility programs;

-timely and conscientiously fulfill instructions (received tasks) of the Director of the Department (in the absence of the Director of the Department, timely and conscientiously fulfill instructions of the Company`s management) within the competence of the position held;

-improve labor productivity, professional level and qualification for efficient performance of duties;

-Schedule and supervise the work of the Division;

-develop internal documents of the division, Department;

-to promote the growth of authority and prestige of the Department of International Cooperation, Scientific and Cultural Relations, to contribute to the development and implementation of the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the Management Board, the instructions of the Vice-Rector for Strategy and Internationalization, as well as the Director of ICD.

-develop information and reference materials on academic mobility of students;

-ECTS coordination: ensuring the principles and mechanisms of ECTS;

-contribute to the expansion of relations with leading foreign universities and development of creative cooperation of the Society with foreign universities.

-represent the interests of the Company and correspond with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with representatives of the Embassy and General Consulates of foreign countries and international organizations in Almaty and Astana; 

-to contribute to the expansion of relations with leading foreign universities and the development of cooperation between Abai KazNPU and foreign universities.

-exercises control over compliance with international legal and regulatory acts, orders, agreements with foreign partners of the university.

-executes activities to ensure the participation of the academic staff and students in international grants, projects, competitions and exchange programs;

-timely informs structural divisions of the Company about planned international symposiums, colloquiums, etc., including those with participation of Abai KazNPU, participation in their holding;

-coordinates the movement of students for a specified academic period (including academic or research internships) to another institution of higher education (domestically or internationally) for study or research;

-coordinates the organization of registration of documents at the departure and return of students on all types and forms of academic mobility and scientific internship in accordance with the normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Abai KazNPU;

-engages with foreign and national universities, as well as students on academic mobility;

-organizes the visit of foreign professors within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Attraction of foreign professors to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

-organizes the visit of foreign academic advisors to advise PhD students;

-coordinates the exchange of students in the framework of the program of double-diploma education with foreign universities;

-directly work with embassies and representative offices of other countries in the Republic of Kazakhstan, with visa centers on issues of issuing exit visas.

-represent the interests of the university in international organizations, at international exhibitions on education, science and culture;

-Coordinate the state of labor discipline and compliance of subordinates with the rules of internal labor regulations of the Division;

-take on anti-corruption restrictions;

-treat the employer`s property with care;

-reimburse the employer for the damage caused within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

-participate in the work of working groups, commissions, as well as in the Company`s meetings on issues within the scope of authority and competence of the position held;

-organize the office management of the department, formation of materials according to the nomenclature of cases, collection and storage of materials;  

-definitely apply and use as intended the personal and collective protective equipment provided by the employer;

-not to disclose information constituting official, commercial or other secret protected by law, which became known to him in connection with the performance of labor duties;

-observe labor discipline, as well as the requirements of norms, rules and instructions on occupational health and safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation at the workplace;

-perform other duties on behalf of the Director of the ICD within the scope of his authority and competence for his position, as well as provided for by the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Essential Job Responsibilities:

Partnering with foreign universities and welcoming visitors from current and potential partner universities:

Assisting university units in finding international academic mobility partners;

Provide information to faculty and other departments on international grant project opportunities;

Receiving international delegations from current and potential partner universities at the University;

Visiting current and potential partner universities in order to cooperate and develop a partner network.

Compliance with the reporting deadlines

Maintaining work with media resources

Other Responsibilities: Maintaining contact with embassies/consulates to organize various cultural and social events at the University.Maintain departmental records, documentation and archiving in a proper manner

Complying with the rules and regulations of the University, performing other duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor

Traveling for business trips:

Readiness for business trips


Postgraduate higher education

Required professional experience (duration, field, other)

A person with higher education and at least 3 years of work experience in the field of higher education or science shall be appointed to the position of the Head of the Academic Mobility Department

Occupational Competencies:

Knowledge of the Western education system, experience working in higher education institutions with international students; intercultural competence and communication skills.

Personal competencies and qualities:

Creativity, initiative, service-oriented, attentive, self-motivated and quick learner, ability to work in a team and independently; good organizational skills (planning and implementation); ability to work outside of work schedule; ability to work in a friendly and efficient manner with colleagues and trainees.

Knowledge of languages, including the state language (list of languages the candidate must be proficient in)

Fluency in Kazakh, English and Russian;

Computer Skills:

advanced user of PC;

Resume Submission Deadline:

Feedback will be accepted up to and including May 31, 2024 or until employees are hired

Contact Person: