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There will be an extended discussion of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy

On September 27, 2024 at 15:00 o`clock at an extended meeting of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, the dissertation work of Aidyn Toktasynovich Kozhagulov for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty «6D010100 - Preschool education and upbringing» at KazNPU will be discussed named after Abai on the topic "Development of professional competence of future teachers of preschool organizations through art technologies."

The expanded meeting of the department will be held offline and online.


The dissertation was completed at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

The defense language is Kazakh.



Almuhambetov Berikjan Aitkulovish - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan);

Alimbekova Anar Aimoldanovna - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan);

Dalia Ramute  Karatajiene - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor. Lietuva, Vilnius Academy of Arts.



Seytenova Salima Saginovna - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov (Uralsk, Kazakhstan);

Gulmira Muratovna Myshbaeva - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), assistant Professor. Suleyman Demirel University. Department of Humanities. (Almaty, Kazakhstan);

Atemkulova Nazira Omarovna - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay(Almaty, Kazakhstan).


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