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The XI Republican subject Olympiad

In Almaty, at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after TK. Zhurgenov, on march 26-29, 2019, the XI Republican subject Olympiad among higher educational institutions was held, and students of the 2 nd course of the specialty of Design and Graphics participated in it.

At the Olympiad, students of the specialty Graphic were engaged in practical work on the themes «City landscape» and «Oriental motifs», and students of the specialty «Design» on the theme «Font logo of the cities of Kazakhstan».

At the end of the Olympiad, students of 2 year of the specialty «Graphics» were awarded (Konysbaev Asset Diploma II - degrees (II - place); Inga Zubkova diploma III - degrees (III - place) and a 2nd year student of the specialty «Design» Rakhmatullinna Camilla Diploma III - degrees (III - place), as well as 5 students awarded a certificate of participation).

Leaders: Senior Lecturers of the Department of «Design» Magauya Kanlenov. - Svetlana Kirgizbekova, Erlan Baikulakov.










Chair of Design