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On 25 November 2015 at the conference hall of the Institute of Mathematics , physics and informatics under the head of chair`s section of Russian language doctor of philological sciences , professor of university Zhumagulova B.S. , senior lecturer Tokhtamova R.K. and M.A. Nurbayeva A.M. was held  solemnly opening of educational event, dedicated to the Day of President of the RK. Students of the Institute of Mathematics , physics and informatics and Institute of History and Law prepared concert about biography of President.
Sh.I. Khamraev - Deputy director for educational affairs of the Institute of Mathematics , physics and informatics opened Solemnly concert.
At the end of the event came out the head of the chair of methods of teaching philological disciplines doctor of pedagogical sciences, prof. R.A. Shakhanova, who thanked the students and teachers for the interesting and rich concert program awarded diplomas of the participants.