10.07.2019 The leaders of Abai KazNPU and BSPU named after M.Akmulla discussed issues of cooperation in the field of education and science
On July 9, 2019, the Department of International Cooperation of Abai KazNPU organized a meeting of Rector Balykbayev Takir Ospanovich with representatives of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M.Akmulla (RF) - Rector Sagitov Salavat Talgatovich and First Vice-Rector Mustaev Almaz Flyurovich.
During this meeting, issues of joint cooperation in the field of education and science were discussed: two-diploma programs in pedagogical specialties, the creation of joint research projects, joint cooperation in the field of research and training of teaching staff, as well as mobility of students and teaching staff under the Erasmus+ program.