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The team of Abai KazNPU welcomed the Address of the President of the country


On September 2, 2019, the first Message of the President of the country, Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, to the people of Kazakhstan «Constructive public dialogue - the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan» was voiced; it is the main program document of the country`s development. The staff of Abai KazNPU listened with great interest to this Address of the Head of State.

The tasks set in the Message by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan will become the basis for our future activities for our university, and for each employee a guideline for successful work and adaptation in the new world.

In the fourth institutional reform, «The New Stage of Social Modernization», special attention is paid to the following areas: improving the quality of education and the need to develop an effective methodology for accounting for the balance of labor resources, improving the domestic system of training specialists, moving to a career guidance policy based on identifying students` abilities. These policies should form the basis of the national standard for secondary education. Expanding the quality training of technical specialists, reducing the gap in the quality of secondary education between urban and rural schools, reducing the shortage of qualified teachers in the countryside, expanding the scope of the «With a diploma in the countryside» program: continue this work at a new level and increase funding for this program up to 20 billion tenge. The selection of talented rural youth and its preparation for training in domestic and foreign universities. Development of a Roadmap to support gifted children from low-income and large families.

The President also separately noted issues relevant to universities: the quality of higher education and school textbooks, improving the effectiveness of science, ensuring a 60 percent level of employment for its graduates, uneven funding and inefficiency of the current management system in the regions. It is necessary to introduce a special financing procedure for each level of education. Providing high-quality textbooks to students is a direct responsibility of the relevant ministry. These measures will not be effective unless we improve the social situation of teachers and teachers. Over the next four years, it is planned to double teachers` salaries. This means that starting next year, teachers` salaries will increase by 25%. To ensure the progress of the nation, it is necessary to increase the level of scientific research and its application in practice, said K.K. Tokaev.

Being a pedagogical university, Abai KazNPU is primarily interested in improving the quality of higher education and textbooks, as well as in improving the effectiveness of science. The university staff was pleased to accept that the Message indicates the further development of scientific research and the expansion of their application in practice. It supports a measure of the effectiveness of public feedback. Public dialogue, openness, prompt response to the needs of stakeholders are the main priorities in the activities of our university. Starting with the first leader, rector Takir Balykbayev, the entire teaching staff is open to students and their parents, meetings with students are regularly held, and the rector`s blog is constantly working.










Department of public relations