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A Brief History of Philosophy: From Socrates to Derrid


On October 14, 2019, the Candidate of Philosophy Science, Associate Professor of the Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines Department of the History and Law Institute, Madalieva Zhanyl Kayrzhankyzy held a meeting with students of the Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science Institute in order to introduce the project «New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 New Textbooks in the Kazakh Language» implemented within the framework of «Rukhani zhangyru» program, as well as with books with translated books on philosophy presented in the library.


In particular, Madalieva Zhanyl Kayrzhankyzy presented to students the book «A Brief History of Philosophy: From Socrates to Derrid», which tells about the 15 most famous philosophers who made a significant contribution to the development of philosophical ideas. During the meeting, slides and videos about textbooks translated according to the project «New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language» were shown. Students were actively interested in new textbooks and shared their opinions.








Chair of politology and socio-philosophical disciplines