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Round table «Prospects for career guidance in the organization of specialized training for schoolchildren»


On November 8, 2019, the Educational and Methodological Association in the field of education «Pedagogical Sciences» of the RTC of MES of RK on the basis of Abai KazNPU together with Kazakh Abylay Khan University of International Relations and World Languages held a round table on the topic «Prospects for career guidance in organizing specialized training of schoolchildren», which was held at the branch of «NCCE ORLEU» JSC of the Institute for Continuing Education of Teachers in the Almaty Region.

The purpose of the meeting is to improve career guidance in educational institutions and help in the self-determination of students in the world of professions.

The opening speech was made by the professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the mentor of «Kazbrends» Kusainova Manshuk. The meeting was attended by employers and the presentations were made by the vice-rector of educational methodical association of Kazakh Abylay Khan University of International Relations and World Languages Kulgildinova Tulebike with the topic «Career Guidance Models», Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the branch of the Scientific and Production Center «ORLEU» Institute of Pedagogical Qualification in Almaty Region Auelgazina Tolkyn - «How to Keep a Teacher in the Professional World», Director of the Center for Career Guidance and Student Admission of Abai KazNPU Auesbekuly Nurmakhan - «Social networks as a tool for career guidance», senior lecturer at KazNPU Zhankushkov Bauyrzhan - «Modern trends in career guidance in educational institutions», Chairman of the Commission of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs, expert, Philosophy Philosophy Beisembaev Gani - «Psychological Foundations of Career Guidance».

As a result of the round table, employers announced the following proposals:
1. More information about the life of students needs to be placed on the websites of universities in order to attract applicants;
2. Establish close links between universities and schools;
3. To develop regulatory documents governing the activities of the teacher-psychologist in educational organizations.