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Center «Ұly dala tұlġalary»
Beisembayeva Aiman Muratovna
Coordinator of the sector «Uly dala tulgalary»

13, Dostyk ave


By order of the rector of Abai KazNPU dated February 1, 2019, the center «Tulgatanu» named after M. Gabdullin was transformed into the research center «Uly dala tulgalary». The main objective of the Center is to substantiate the scientific principles of using the experience and edification of figures who left an indelible mark on the fate and history of the Great Steppe, to increase the competitiveness of Kazakhstan`s society.

Main activities:
1. The study of the meaning and role of historical personalities, as well as the use of scientific results obtained in educational work among students.
2. Holding historical-informative lectures to promote and disseminate the heritage and experience of prominent figures, as well as organizing meetings with the best university graduates.