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Modern trends in teacher training in the context of modernization of education




On November 19, 2019 at the Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, an away meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association - the Educational Projects Management Group of the Education Department of the Republican Educational and Methodical Council of the MES of the RK on the basis of Abai KazNPU was held. Representatives of all universities of the country, National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin, Center for social adaptation and vocational and labor rehabilitation of children and adolescents with impaired mental and physical development, National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy, Regional Education Departments, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Aktobe, Akimat and specialized educational institutions of Aktobe region participated in its work. Actual issues of designing a graduate model in the context of building the competence of future teachers from the experience of Nazarbayev University, problems and prospects for the development of inclusive education, training for low-grade schools, the project «School-University-Production: Partners in the Training of Demanded Personnel» were considered.

Rector of Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university, professor Takir Balykbaуev, moderated the meeting.

Presentations were made by the director of the Department of Educational Programming Design of Abai KazNPU Adilya Baidildina - «Designing a model of a university graduate in the context of building the competence of future teachers from the experience of Nazarbayev University», general director of the Center for Social Adaptation and vocational and labor rehabilitation of children and adolescents with mental and physical development disorders (SALR) Roza Suleimenova - «Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan: Evolution and Development Prospects», Director of the Resource Advisory Center for Inclusive Education for Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KazNPU Zulfiya Movkebaeva - «Development of inclusive education at the university», Director of the National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy (NSPCCP) Galiya Abaeva - «Modern requirements of the labor market for the training of special educators», Deputy Head of the Education Department of Aktobe Oblast Gulnaz Suleimenova - «Small schools: problems and solutions», Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational-Methodological Work of the ARGU named after K. Zhubanov Bibigul Abenova - «School - University - Production - partners in the training of demanded personnel», Head of the «Uyren-Bolis» Project, Nazarbayev, Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics, Aktobe, Zina Derbisalina, «NISH University - project «Uyren-Bolis»: a search in the direction of dual education».

Having listened to the reports and discussed issues of modern trends in teacher training in the context of modernization of education, the meeting participants exchanged views. Recommendations were made for higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing training of teaching staff.

An international scientific and practical conference «Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Inclusive Education» was held as part of an on-site meeting of the Teaching and Methodological Association of the Republican Teaching and Methodological Council, where scientists from Serbia, Russia, and Kazakhstan took part and master classes were held by leading experts in the field of inclusive education.