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8352173Student Lifeopen
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8371173 Articles of scientists of Abai KazNPU  in a well-known foreign Journal entered the TOP-3 of open
8372173Philologists of Abai KazNPU are participants of the international project DAADopen
8373173 Cooperation with foreign universities on scientific internships for students of Abai KazNPU is stropen
8374173International Scientific and Practical Conference «Contemporary Historical Science: Problems oopen
8375173 International Scientific and Practical Conference «Green Universities: experience, prospectsopen
8376173Student Lifeopen
8377173Student Lifeopen
8378173 Joint International Online Course in Philology startedopen
8379173 Action Research as a form of research and improvement teacher`s professional practiceopen
8380173Meeting of MES RK representatives with students of our universityopen
8381173Student Lifeopen
8382173 The award «The best young scientist-2022» of MES RKopen
8383173With a new book into the new school year: Ataturk and the Turkic worldopen
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