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9851149Student Lifeopen
9852149Student Lifeopen
9853149Student Lifeopen
9854149Student Lifeopen
9855149Student Lifeopen
9856149Student Lifeopen
9857149Student Lifeopen
9858149Student Lifeopen
9859149Student Lifeopen
9860149Student Lifeopen
9861149Student Lifeopen
9862149Student Lifeopen
9863149Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
9864149Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
9865149Student Lifeopen
9866149Student Lifeopen
9867149Student Lifeopen
9868149Student Lifeopen
9869149Student Lifeopen
9870149Student Lifeopen
9871149Student Lifeopen
9872149Student Lifeopen
9873149Student Lifeopen
9874149Student Lifeopen
9875149Student Lifeopen
9876149Student Lifeopen
9879149Student Lifeopen
9880149The I intra-university stage of the competition for the title «Best University Teacher-2021&raopen
9882149 Course «Youth entrepreneurship»open
9883149Director of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute took part in the meeting of the Parliament of the Repuopen
9884149Student Lifeopen
9885149Student Lifeopen
9886149 Webinar «Actual problems of spiritual and moral education of students»open
9887149 Environmental project competitionopen
9888149 Rector of the University visited a class of Philosophy studentsopen
9889149 Discussion of the Address of the Head of State continuesopen
9890149 Students of Abai KazNPU support the President`s initiatives open
9891149Chairmanship of the state certification commission in the kazakh national conservatory of Kurmangazyopen
9892149Abai University students honoured with a prestigious scholarship from the Lithuanian Governmentopen
9894148Student Lifeopen
9895148Student Lifeopen
9896148Student Lifeopen
9897148Student Lifeopen
9898148Student Lifeopen
9899148Student Lifeopen
9900148Student Lifeopen

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