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A student`s academic debt arises as a result of a low ranking in a discipline, receiving an unsatisfactory mark on an exam, or not showing up for an exam. In this case, the student does not gain the number of credits required to complete the current academic period.

The Office of the Registrar sends to the directorate of the institute summary sheets with the final results of the assessment of students` knowledge, according to which students with academic debt are identified.

If classes are missed during the semester, the teachers send the student to the directorate for admission. In the directorate, on this occasion, an entry is made in the Journal of issuing admissions to classes. The student receives an explanatory written form or a certificate confirming absence from class for a good reason. After establishing the reason for the absence from classes, the directorate makes a decision on the issue or non-issue of admission to classes.


The Directorate issues admission to classes on the basis of:
- provided explanatory;
- presented objective evidence of a valid reason for missing classes (for example, a summons to the military registration and enlistment office).

In case of a significant number of absenteeism for an unjustified reason (more than 40 hours), the directorate has the right to submit an application for expulsion of a student or to deprive him of a scholarship.

The expulsion of the student is formalized by the order of the rector of the university.

If a student has missed an uncritical number of lessons for objective reasons (for example, due to illness), then he is given the opportunity to master the educational material of the missed lessons on his own.

Student`s independent work for the study of educational material of missed classes is controlled by the teacher in the form of tests, tests, essays, essays, reports, etc.

In the case when a student has missed classes for an unjustified reason, measures of an educational nature may be applied to him additionally:
- calling the student`s parents;
- an interview with a mentor.

Educational measures should be aimed at establishing the reasons for absenteeism. If there are problems related to social conditions, the mentor, as a corrective action, can submit a request to the directorate to improve these conditions.

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory assessment based on the results of control and assessment of knowledge:
- students who do not have a positive assessment of the admission rating in the academic discipline are not allowed to intermediate certification (exam);
- students who have not passed their term papers are not allowed to take the exam in the relevant discipline;
- in some cases (due to illness, family and work circumstances, subject to the provision of a confirming certificate, a certificate of incapacity for work - for working students of distance learning), the student is allowed to take an examination session according to an individual schedule;
- to retake the exam from an "unsatisfactory" grade to a positive one, the student is given the opportunity in the next academic period or in the summer semester to study, after re-enrollment, the relevant disciplines on a paid basis, fulfill the requirements of current, midterm control, get admission and pass the final knowledge control.

Based on the results of the current, midterm and final control of knowledge, the group mentor finds out the reasons that caused the students to miss classes or to fail. The mentor, together with the directorate, the council of mentors of the institute, organizes the necessary assistance to students who do not succeed for a good reason. In the future, the mentor controls the implementation of the planned activities and their effectiveness.

The teacher who conducts the training sessions also oversees the process of eliminating student academic debt. To this end, the teacher:
- appoints, if necessary, time for consultations;
- organizes the reception of working off, if necessary;
- appoints a deadline for passing the intermediate certification according to an individual schedule (in the event that students are provided with a confirmation certificate of a good reason for not showing up for the exam);
- conducts re-intermediate certification;
- keeps the necessary records (journal, statements of midterm control, intermediate certification).

A student who has received an "unsatisfactory" grade according to the final attestation is expelled from the university by order of the head of the university as "who did not fulfill the requirements of the educational program: did not defend the thesis (project) or master`s thesis (project)" or "did not fulfill the requirements of the educational program: did not pass the complex exam".

A student who has not passed the final certification, by order of the Rector of the University, is allowed to re-final certification of the next academic year.

The repeated final certification is carried out only in those forms for which the student received an unsatisfactory mark in the previous final certification.

The analysis of records (statements of midterm control, intermediate certification) is carried out on an ongoing basis in order to identify the causes of arrears. This work is carried out by the directorate.

It is recommended to use statistical methods for this analysis. In the event that 80% of the debts of the students of the group are related to one discipline, then it is necessary:
- inform the head of the relevant department;
- to analyze the distribution of debts among the teachers of the academic discipline and, if 80% of the debts belong to the same teacher, then further search for reasons should be carried out in the work of this teacher;
- to conduct a survey / questionnaire survey of students, both successful and unsuccessful;
- to conduct a targeted internal audit on the educational and methodological support of the discipline, criteria and methods of assessment;
- if necessary, conduct an unscheduled open lesson;
- if necessary, hold an open meeting of the department with the participation of representatives of the directorate, dedicated to establishing the causes of atypical student debt and making a decision on corrective actions.

The cause of the inconsistencies must be established precisely, i.e. general reasons cannot be established.

Corrective actions must be urgently developed and implemented. Control over the implementation of corrective actions is assigned to the head of the department.

If the causes of arrears are related to the work of a particular teacher, then he is invited to develop corrective actions and eliminate the discrepancy.

If a student on a state educational grant has not collected the required number of credits provided for by the work curriculum, he has the right to re-study the relevant disciplines on a paid basis.