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Academic Period - An academic period is the duration of theoretical training established independently by an educational organization in one of three forms: semester, trimester, or quarter. 


Academic Credit - An academic credit is a standardized unit of measurement for the volume of academic and/or scientific work (load) of a student and/or instructor. 


Academic Calendar - The academic calendar is a schedule of educational and assessment activities, professional practices throughout the academic year, including rest days (holidays and vacations). 


Academic Hour- An academic hour is a unit of measurement for the volume of academic sessions or other types of educational work, with one academic hour equal to 50 minutes. It is used in the development of the academic calendar (study process schedule), class schedules, planning and accounting for completed educational material, as well as planning the teaching load and accounting for instructor work. 


Academic Mobility - Academic mobility involves the movement of students or faculty researchers for study or research for a specified academic period (semester or academic year) at another institution (domestically or abroad) with the mandatory transfer of completed academic programs and courses in the form of academic credits at their home institution or to continue studies at another institution. 


Student Learning Achievements - Student learning achievements encompass the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies acquired by students during the educational process, reflecting the achieved level of personal development. 


Final Attestation of Students - The final attestation of students is a procedure conducted to determine the extent to which they have mastered the volume of academic courses and/or modules and other types of academic activities provided by the educational program in accordance with the state mandatory standard of the respective level of education. 


Student Academic Rating - The student academic rating is a quantitative measure of the level of mastery of the academic program of courses and/or modules and other types of academic activities, compiled based on the results of intermediate attestation. 


Independent Work of Students (IWS) - Independent work of students (IWS) involves working on a defined list of topics designated for self-study, supported by educational and methodological literature and recommendations. Depending on the student category, it is divided into independent work of students (IWS), independent work of master`s students (IWM), and independent work of doctoral students (IWD). The entire volume of IWS is confirmed by assignments that require daily independent work from the student. 


Double Degree Education - Double degree education offers the opportunity to study according to two educational programs and curricula to obtain two equivalent diplomas or one primary and one additional diploma. 


Individual Study Plan - An individual study plan is a curriculum formed by the student independently for each academic year with the help of an advisor, based on the educational program and the catalog of elective courses and/or modules. 


Minor - A minor is a set of courses and/or modules and other types of academic work defined by the student for study to develop additional competencies. 


Major - A major is the main educational program selected by the student for study to develop key competencies.


Point-Rating Letter System for Assessing Academic Achievements - The point-rating letter system for assessing academic achievements is a system for evaluating the level of academic achievements in points corresponding to the letter system with a numerical equivalent accepted in international practice, allowing for the establishment of a student`s rating. 


Credit Technology of Education - Credit technology of education is a system based on the selection and independent planning by the student of the sequence of studying courses and/or modules with the accumulation of academic credits. 


Independent Work of Students under the Guidance of a Teacher (IWSGT) - Independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher (IWSGT) involves the student working under the teacher`s supervision, conducted according to a separate schedule determined by the institution or the teacher. Depending on the student category, it is divided into: independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher (IWSGT), independent work of master`s students under the guidance of a teacher (IWMGT), and independent work of doctoral students under the guidance of a teacher (IWDGT). 


Post-Requisites - Post-requisites are courses and/or modules and other types of academic work that require the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies acquired upon completion of a particular course and/or module. 


Pre-Requisites - Pre-requisites are courses and/or modules and other types of academic work that contain the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies necessary for mastering the studied course and/or module. 


Transcript - A transcript is a document containing a list of completed courses and/or modules and other types of academic work for a specific period of study, indicating credits and grades. 


Grade Point Average (GPA) - Grade Point Average (GPA) is a weighted average grade reflecting the level of a student`s academic achievements for a specified period according to the chosen program (the ratio of the sum of the products of credits and the numerical equivalent of final grades for all types of academic work to the total number of credits for these types of work over the specified period of study). 


Advisor - An advisor is a teacher who functions as an academic mentor for a student in the corresponding educational program, assisting in the selection of the study trajectory (formation of an individual study plan) and mastering the educational program during the study period. 


Elective Courses - Elective courses are academic courses included in the university component and the elective component within the established academic credits, introduced by educational organizations, reflecting the individual preparation of the student, taking into account the specifics of the socio-economic development and needs of a particular region, as well as established scientific schools. 


Regulations on the Teaching Workload of the Faculty of KazNPU named after Abai for the 2024-2025 Academic Year