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A music lesson by the 1st year students of the dual program in the 2nd grade at the new generation NGS school

As part of the practical training plan of the dual program Primary Education with ICT, the 1st year students organized an original lesson «Music around us».

The program included: a quiz, a mini-concert of students, creative choral performance together with the class, a meeting with the author of the Music coursebook for the 2nd grade - Mahanova Asken.

The feedback from participants at the event was enthusiastic.

Ibragimova Alina, a 1st year student: «It is so interesting that right from the 1st year of study we have the opportunity of real communication with children. We visit a new generation school and our mentors are happy to show us the process from the inside. At the university, according to the curriculum, we studied the Basics of musical and practical activities and vocal and choral performance, and on the course of this discipline we were prepared for this form of learning music with children. We wrote the class scenario ourselves and learned the songs. Now we see that with children it is necessary to be not only a teacher, but a little bit of an actor».

Raushan Bekmuratova, Director of the Department of Academic Performance of the primary school : «For the first time for us, we opened the NG Intern project at the school within the KAZDUAL project - «Introduction of a dual system in Kazakhstan» under the ERASMUS+ program Enhancing the potential of higher education (EU 618835-EPP-1-2020-1- KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP implementation period: 15.01.2021 -14.01.2024). Jointly with the Department of Primary Education (Head of the Department Zhumabayeva Asia), we are trying different forms of practical training. Today we saw that such training encourages freshmen to master how hold an interesting event with children».

Students of the 2 K grade: «We haven`t experienced such an unusual music lesson yet. The young teachers repeated the notes with us so cheerfully, taught us to sing a song, we learned on which lines the notes were written, solved all the riddles and guessed the soundtracks from cartoons».

Makhanova Asken, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education: «I would note that the 1st year students, together with their group advisor Akpayeva Assel, demonstrated creativity and diligence to prepare such a lesson. Trying out themselves as a music teacher in elementary school during the period of practical training opens up to students the opportunity to deeply understand the process of teaching, upbringing and development of children».





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