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Contest «We are looking for talents!»


Within the framework of the international scientific and practical conference «Pedagogical heritage of Akhmet Baitursynov, problems of modern education: present and future, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the teacher of the nation A. Baitursynuly, on November 26, 2022, a contest «We are looking for talents!».

Organizer of the competition: Student club «Leader»
Participants of the competition: pupils of the regional center for «Support of children in difficult life situations» and members of the student club «Leader» of Abai KazNPU.

Guests of the competition: Head of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Abai KazNPU - U. Kyakbayeva and academic representatives from Ferghana State University (Uzbekistan), as well as cadets of the Academy of the National Security.

Members of the jury of the competition: head of the student club «Leader» of Abai KazNPU - Alimbekova A.A., Deputy Director of the regional Center for «Support of children in difficult life situations» P. Meshitbaeva, Deputy director for educational work of secondary school No. 203 of Turksib district Raimov S., and a 4th-year student of the specialty «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» - Zhakypbai B.

The purpose of the competition: to improve professional leadership qualities of future teachers, to promote the formation of human values in children through the development of creative, communicative and inventive skills.
Awarding the winners of the competition:
Grand Prix: «Zhas Kyran» 2 team (color blue);
Diploma of I degree: 4 team - «Zhalyn» (green color);
Diploma of II degree: 1 team -»Alash urpagy» (orange color);
3 team - «Zerde» (red color).
Номинации, представленные на конкурсе:
«Audience Award» (to the viewers who liked it, team members);
«Talantty tulga» (for the best performance of the song);
«Daryndy zhas» (to the best reader of the Words of Abai`s edification and the poems of Akhmet Baitursynuly);
«Oner kyrandary» (talents in dance art);
«Sheber oryndaushy» (the best creative works of ART).

Awarding of team leaders (students):
Diplom: «Best leader» - Head of the team «Zerde» Iskakova Anar;
Diplom: «Master organizer» - head of the team «Zhalyn» Abusagi Aiym;
Diplom: »Harmonious organizer» - head of the team- «Zhas Kyran» Bayatan Ulbala;
Diplom: »He best organizer» - head of the team «Alash urpaktary» Kerimbay Tauekel.

In addition, all team members were awarded diplomas, souvenirs and pens with the university logo were presented, as well as other gifts. The team leaders were additionally awarded hoodies with the university logo.

The contest «We are looking for talents!» was held at a fairly organized level, the purpose of the event was achieved, the result of all this was positive emotions and impressions of the contest participants, guests and everyone present.




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