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Round table on inclusive education

On February 23, 2023, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU held a republican round table in offline-online format on the topic: «Higher inclusive education: barriers, trends, opportunities». The objectives of the round table: analysis of barriers and trends, determination the possibility of further development of accessible higher education for persons with special educational needs.


The event was attended by: Vice-Rector for Research E.A. Buribayev; Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor, General Director of Center SATR LLP R.A. Suleimenova; President of the private charitable foundation «Azamattyn Aleueti» A.D. Seisenova; doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor-researcher of Abai KazNPU Z.A. Movkebaeva; senior researcher of National Research and Practice Centre for the Development of Special and Inclusive Education A.T. Baymuratova; Head of the Department of Information and Analytical Support of National Research and Practice Centre for the Development of Special and Inclusive Education Zh.K. Kuttybayeva; Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology KazNWTTU G.S. Orazayeva; PhD, program leader of the department «Special Pedagogy» KazNWTTU B.M. Mazhinov; Professor of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy, Amanzholov University of East Kazakhstan S.A. Stelmakh; sign language interpreter N. Preobrazhenskaya; professor of practice «ShPiP» (AlmaU), head of the «Service Learning» project, director of the branch of the NGO «Kazakhstan Special Olympiad» in Almaty G. Asemkulova; head of the department of REPUBLICAN REHABILITATION CENTRE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES "ZHYLY UYA" PUBLIC ASSOCIATION "KAZAKH SOCIETY OF THE BLIND" LTD M.E. Zhanysbaev; teaching staff of Abai KazNPU and other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The moderators of the round table were: Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology G.A. Abayeva; Head. Department of «Special Pedagogy» A.N. Autaeva; senior teachers of the department «Special Pedagogy» S.S. Zhakipbekova, U.A. Mirzakhmedova.

Participants discussed the draft Roadmap for the development of inclusive education in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education for 2023-2025, made suggestions and recommendations.





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