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Cooperation of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University with the Republican Institute of Professional Development of «National center for advanced training «Orleu»

In the period from June 5 to June 16, 2023, as before (22.05.23-02.06.23) acting Professor of the Department of Music Education and Choreography of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Kakimova Laura, lectured and held seminars at advanced training courses for music teachers in the city of Almaty. The theme of the course "Development of professional competencies of a music teacher" in the amount of 80 hours is intended for music teachers of general education schools and is aimed at further development and improvement of their professional competencies. They reflected the latest trends in modern education, with new methodological approaches and creative teaching methods aimed at introducing modern methods and techniques for teaching music to modern schoolchildren into school practice.

As part of the course, the pedagogical practice of students within the walls of the pedagogical university was also held. Students of the course, having got acquainted with the achievements of the department, listened to lectures and practical classes; seminars were held with them to consolidate the professional and subject competencies of a music teacher. Among the students of the course were former graduates of students and master`s students of the specialty of music education, who currently work in schools in the city, teach music lessons and carry the high title of "teacher."

The above course of advanced training left an indelible impression for the audience. Their positive reviews were aimed at organizing the course itself, the students also noted the professional skill of the lecturer.

Cooperation between the two largest organizations in the republic, as a higher school represented by the Abai National Pedagogical University and the Republican Institute of Professional Development "National Center for Advanced Training" of pedagogical personnel "Orleu" has a long-standing and strong bond in the development and improvement of the education system. Thus, every year hundreds of students of the advanced training course have the opportunity to conscience their knowledge and skills, and lecturers of the pedagogical university interact with methodologists and practitioners of school education, which strengthens the strategic partnership between educational organizations, transmits best practices and improves the skills of music teachers.











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