Music abai study: round table
in the context of the program «Rukhani zhanguiru»
On 7 November, 2018, a round table was held on the theme «Ethnocultural aspects of the artistic and performing interpretation of the works of Abai in the context of the implementation of the state program «Tugan el».
The purpose of this event was to attract students to the cultural and artistic values of the Kazakh people. Musical and poetic creativity of Abai is the cultural code of the nation and the whole ethnic group.
The round table was held among students enrolled in the specialty «5В010600 - Musical Education» at the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports.
The moderator was a teacher of the chair of Music Education and Choreography Laura Sharipovna Kakimova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
The theme of the round table was consonant with the theme of the research project on the funding of the Ministry of Education and Science. Therefore, guests were members of a research project. This is a scientific adviser, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Hadj Ahmed Yasavi - Roza Shaymardanovna Sydykova. Other members of the project also attended: Esdauletova Kamila - Master of Arts in Arts, Laureate of International Competitions, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Conducting and Music Education and Psychology of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory; Adalat Yusupova - Senior Lecturer at the Vocal Art and Music Education and Psychology Departments of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory and Tobagabylova Aizhan - Senior Lecturer at the Khoja Ahmed Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University. Project Supervisor - prof. Rosa Sydykova.
Students listened to a video contest for songs and romances of Abai. Students and professors of the department shared their opinions: head of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, and acting. Professor Kamarsulu Ershatovna Ibraeva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professorMensulu Dzheksembekova, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Lora Narikbayeva and others.